Coin Operated is an award winning 5 minute short animation that spans 70 years in the life of one naive explorer. This film was proudly made by independent artists.Coin Operated is an award winning 5 minute short animation that spans 70 years in the life of one naive explorer. This film was proudly made by independent artists.
A young boy, like many others, dreams of going out to space and explore the galaxy. A simple coin operated spaceship model at a corner of a street will have a decisive impact on his life.
He is disappointed when the ride does not launch him into space. Expecting that the ride can do better, he opens a lemonade stand and earns money from it. This goes on until the boy has become an old man. Having earned lots of money to produce more launch attempts, he goes back to the ride and fills it with coins. It wobbles like usual at first, but soon shakes violently and launches him into space. A brief shot from the clouds displays him as a young boy again.