
Sorted by Alphabetically  or  Time
United Kingdom The Walk Home Time: 05:08
A musical film about one boys troubled journey across a hostile inner city and an unexpected discovery he makes.
views: 9384 AFR: 8.54

Denmark Parrot Away Time: 05:57
The ugly parrot Pierre gets lucky when a fashionable pirate is being just a little too fashionably late...
views: 7426 AFR: 7.54

Chile Isolated Time: 05:14
After finding himself in a wrecked taxi, Evan tries to figure out the pieces of the puzzle, while dealing with a dangerous threat, in a seemingly deserted city.
views: 13189 AFR: 8.89

Denmark Vagabond Time: 07:25
Dio is a homeless man who lives with his dog, Loppe, in a giant train city.While Dio is a slow and calm person, all the average citizens are living their lives in a constant rush. One morning Loppe is taken by the trash collector, forcing Dio to start a chase throughout different parts of the place. As he struggles to save his only friend, Dio ends up defying the very nature of the city and its...
views: 10545 AFR: 9.23

The musical film about the cursed mummy boy named Amumu who felt his heart no more.  Lyrics: Every child in Valoran has heard the tale before, About the cursed mummy boy who felt his heart no more. So sad and lorn, the helpless lad, Amumu was his name, He ventured out to find a friend and learn about his bane. For many years, young Amumu traveled through the lands, Determined to make...
views: 10707 AFR: 9.23

18+ How will the naive freshly carved prince and his co-actors withstand their audience's insatiable appetite for entertainment?
views: 10654 AFR: 7.33

France My Dear Gnome Time: 01:07
One sunny afternoon a young deer and a garden gnome gathered to play checkers...
views: 6757 AFR: 7.25

Denmark The Wanderer Time: 05:47
The Wanderer goes through an entire life during the course of the day and dies when the day ends. In the end he comes to term with the conditions of his life.
views: 9764 AFR: 6.15

United States Huff 'n' Puff Time: 00:53
A pig and wolf have some fighting to do.
views: 6151 AFR: 6.64

New Zealand Atheum's Way Time: 04:25
A father must confront an eternal storm to reunite with his daughter, and learn that man must tame his past before he conquers his future.
views: 7571 AFR: 8.19

United Kingdom Dresslocked Time: 03:08
Very sincere film about the inner struggle of a young lady who doesn't like what she sees in the mirror. The simple task of getting dressed in the morning has her battling her dark thoughts.
views: 6092 AFR: 6.2

Colombia Finding ME Time: 08:19
The film tells the adventure of a robot and a small squirrel in search of its identity. They found that the most important thing is not where to go, but to enjoy what you do and who you do it with. Throughout this short and strange journey they face situations that put in prove the patience and perseverance of the robot and the unconditional friendship of the small squirrel. It's a story...
views: 6628 AFR: 8.17

France Aspiration Time: 01:47
Showcase and vacuum cleaner hose can be easily transformed into a stage and a microphone for the young janitor.  
views: 5862 AFR: 7.8

France Ramen Time: 01:47
In the Japanese Bistro the resourceful cook uses everything to satisfy the enormous appetite of a very large customer.
views: 5786 AFR: 6.3

France Liber Time: 01:38
Books started a strange game with a man who thoroughly puts things in order in the repository.
views: 5324 AFR: 7.67

Hungary Do or Donut Time: 01:05
The funny film about an overweight astronaut who loves to eat donuts.
views: 6778 AFR: 6.45

United States An Object at Rest Time: 05:43
An Object at Rest follows the life of a stone as it travels over the course of millions of years, facing nature's greatest obstacle: human civilization.
views: 8386 AFR: 9

United Kingdom The Walk Time: 01:37
This positive film about the simple pleasures of life and the pleasure of a long walk among the picturesque landscapes where you can admire the beauty and sit putting one foot in front of the other.
views: 5041 AFR: 7.85

United States Maid to Haunt Time: 01:37
A ghost desperately tries to scare a Maid, but in the end... watch to find out!
views: 6193 AFR: 7.82

United States Fears Time: 02:08
The original story about a protagonist who learns to appreciate and live with his personal anxieties.
views: 7563 AFR: 8.65

United States Dispatch Time: 02:42
This film tells the story of a man racing against time to rescue the one he loves.
views: 6218 AFR: 8.5

France Satine Time: 02:17
A mother who recently became a Vampire, must bring her children to a summer trip to the sunny beach...
views: 6354 AFR: 7.14

United States Reach Time: 03:52
Unselfish concern for the welfare of others can be rewarded when this has the most urgent need.
views: 5868 AFR: 8.54

France The Light Bulb Time: 01:29
In the mechanical world without light the bulb illuminates the path of small robot. But what should he do if bulb is burned out?
views: 5433 AFR: 6.78

The Big The Bad and The Bunny is a story about a rhino who tries to save his pet bunny from the evil penguins.
views: 7083 AFR: 7.4

United States Stand Still Time: 02:35
Not far from the future in some unknown city, there is no hope for freedom, but the brave girl decides to fight alone.
views: 5660 AFR: 7.79

United States Viva Lucha Time: 03:48
El Rey, the greatest Luchador to ever live, tries retiring to live a normal life. Things do not go well.
views: 6085 AFR: 8.21

United States Pet Peeve Time: 02:45
After a boy's goldfish dies, he travels out to find a new pet.
views: 5063 AFR: 7.82

France Noctilia Time: 01:44
It's about bats which hates and eats lights...
views: 6044 AFR: 6.2

The Tales of Alethrion proloque "The First Hero" is about Alethrion, whom the land is named after, and a lovely backpacker girl called Amerath. They are the original creators of the map which we see later in The Reward, carried by Vito and Wilhelm.
views: 37167 AFR: 9.23

United States Taking the Plunge Time: 06:42
When a young man's ideal marriage proposal is put in jeopardy he is forced to dive into unknown waters to salvage his plans...
views: 10614 AFR: 8.66

United States None Of That Time: 04:10
The comical film about a restless night in the Museum of Art.
views: 12732 AFR: 8.9

United States Can I Stay? Time: 03:47
An apprehensive homeless girl must traverse a dangerous, wintry city in order to find a new home.
views: 9076 AFR: 8.94

United States Canned Time: 02:18
The police chases a young trainwritin who painted a girl on the wall, but the living image is trying to help the artist.
views: 9723 AFR: 8.56

France Pink Lady Time: 01:46
Her prince is coming soon! Discover the dream of a pink princess!
views: 6590 AFR: 6.78

France Amelia Time: 01:58
Trying to cross the Pacific ocean, a pilot is trapped in the midst of a violent storm... This story is inspired by the life of Amelia Earhart, first woman to ever cross the Atlantic ocean by plane.
views: 6526 AFR: 7.71

Japan The Lost Breakfast Time: 06:50
Face shaving, washing, teeth brushing, breakfast... A man turns his morning routine into an obsessional ceremony. One day, it gets interrupted and he has trouble dealing with it.
views: 7942 AFR: 8.83

France Carpe Diem Time: 01:18
The story of a fish who lives a drama under sea coming back to his roots, it's scary but he's fine because he's stoned.
views: 5717 AFR: 6.13

United States L'Americano Returns Time: 03:10
A lively stork returns to his hometown to spread the joy of song! But after an unfortunate tangle with the law, it's up to the townsfolk to band together and bring music back into their lives.
views: 5547 AFR: 8

United States iHola Llamigo! Time: 03:52
The beautiful, fleeting friendship between a boy and his pinata.
views: 5600 AFR: 8.25

United States Fox Tale Time: 02:18
One day, Mr. Fox who is so proud of his tail mocks at Mr. Bunny's tiny tail. At that time, he got a dart from a mysterious hunter and lost his the most beloved tail. Mr. Fox is in panic, but he embarks on his journey to get his back... When Mr. Fox laughs at Mr. Bunny’s tail, Mr. Fox gets what he deserves...
views: 7269 AFR: 7.9

France Blindsight Time: 02:39
This is a story about a blind guy , who can see the world thanks to his braille polaroid camera.
views: 6153 AFR: 8.84

United States Playing with Food Time: 02:29
A hungry fox prepares a TV Dinner, but instead of a tasty ready-to-eat meal he gets a surprise!
views: 8557 AFR: 8.73

Canada Imogen Time: 01:48
Imogen is a little girl who wants to play with her dad. Since he is too busy over the phone she decides to go flying into her imagination.
views: 4923 AFR: 7.44

Canada The Factory Time: 03:23
An old man tries to inspire his grandson through music.
views: 4854 AFR: 8.08

United States Boarding The Ark Time: 01:58
Boarding the Ark retells the story of Noah. Everyone knows that Noah receives orders from God to save a portion of the world’s creatures, while God hits the reset button and floods the Earth. However, Noah becomes locked out of the Ark just as the flood begins and must discover a way back in using his superhuman skills as a carpenter.
views: 5348 AFR: 6.5

Denmark Tsunami Time: 07:14
Haru returns home in denial after a tsunami, where he must learn to deal with his loss through an encounter with a magical sea Spirit.
views: 6893 AFR: 8.8

Spain Eideann Time: 05:18
Setting in the XIV Century, Eideann is the story of how a courageous shepherd from the Highland of Scotland and one of the sheep of his flock become the pioneers of one of the most popular entertainments of our days.
views: 5336 AFR: 8.38

France Dame Belette Time: 03:46
She doesn't wear a ball gown or glass slippers... but you will fall for her charms!
views: 7125 AFR: 7.63

New Zealand The Butcher Time: 01:47
18+ The film about an ordinary butcher Jack having some issues with a feisty rabbit.
views: 7338 AFR: 7.84

United States Isa Time: 03:07
This film is dedicated to Felicidad Bautista Marquez. She worked and traveled far distances everyday to bring home small amounts of food for her struggling family. At the time, the Philippines was taken over by the Japanese during WWII, so her daily trek was often difficult and very dangerous.
views: 5436 AFR: 8.67

Germany Typewriterhead Time: 04:16
A man with a typewriter-head tries to get rid of his out-of-control thoughts.
views: 6720 AFR: 9.05

France Passionnément Time: 02:12
This is simply about doing art and loving it.
views: 7182 AFR: 8.78

France Merkur Time: 02:25
On a desertic planet, the natives are running away from the menacing shadow of the night. Only one of them will brave the darkness to save his species from the shadows.
views: 5803 AFR: 8.08

United States NO-A Time: 05:32
The world is a desolate, unforgiving place in this action sci-fi with a surprising amount of heart. We follow NO-A (Noah), as he attempts to rescue Aixa, the young woman that created him. In his desperate attempt to save her, he must face an unknown enemy force and fight to keep them both alive.
views: 14258 AFR: 8.86

France A Bout Time: 01:44
Two frogs are stuck together. One of them will experience hell.
views: 7065 AFR: 7.17

France Out of breath Time: 02:15
A paperboy tries to save his father who suffers from lung cancer by trying to print out a new pair of lungs. Unfortunately, he realizes that the printer is running out of paper, and his father, out of time...
views: 7505 AFR: 8.93

United Kingdom Italy At First Sight Time: 02:33
Brian, your typical 21st century hipster, is struggling with a common mobile addiction. Absorbed by the modern day technology, he finds himself incapable of enjoying the beautiful world that surrounds him. Brian’s multiple encounters with reality are disrupted by his phone, luring him back to the virtual world. However, his journey to work takes an unexpected turn as his smartphone...
views: 7048 AFR: 7.26

Turkey Birdball Time: 02:37
İt is not a bird... İt is not a ball... Maybe bally bird or Birdball... Birdball is a character who continues his life by harming the environment and enjoying the result... İs it so easy? İsn't there anyone who will STOP him?
views: 5888 AFR: 5.42

In his isolated cemetery, a rather boorish gravedigger tries to amuse his son in a rather silly way….
views: 9374 AFR: 9.18

In a timeless street of Paris stands a shoemaker’s shop. Mr. Botte takes care of his shoes with such passion and skill that they come to life and start moving in his expert hands. But his daily life is about to be disturbed as a most peculiar street vendor unfolds his stall just in front of Mr. Botte’s store.
views: 10924 AFR: 8.86

France The Last Goodbye Time: 06:16
It’s a really simple story of loss, an astronaut goes off on a desperate chase after her companion jets off into space. This science fiction film is the use of black and white artwork in space — it’s stark and minimal, the PilotPriest’s music it’s set to.
views: 6965 AFR: 8.87

Iran O+AB- Time: 03:30
The brave fish is able to defeat the monster in order to save the baby, but the baby's response actions are determined by the call of blood...
views: 6249 AFR: 7.22

France Averse Time: 02:02
A small animal trying to find shelter for protection from the rain. He finds refuge in a giant dinosaur skull, but already there is someone hiding...
views: 6506 AFR: 5.74

A probe sent into space breaks down, but a rover named BOX01 manages to land on the nearest planetoid...
views: 5294 AFR: 6.11

This amazing film paints a striking portrait of the mundane, lonely life of a young woman in her Tokyo apartment. Exhausted and crammed into a tight urban living space, she is kept company by an assortment of appliances interlocked like Tetris blocks. The film suddenly shifts gears as the woman begins to daydream a fantasy world based on her surroundings. Toy pigs take flight, cockroaches become...
views: 9393 AFR: 9.19

Little story about care-free and joyful days of old and disabled people in beautiful Barcelona.
views: 5211 AFR: 7

Sunny & Steve: Meet Sally introduces our two charming characters to a new office employee, the polite and incredibly professional Sally. Love is in the air as Valentine's Day looms right around the corner, and the antics between Sunny, a purple bunny who has a habit of popping up in unexpected places, and Steve, the shy office worker, once again boils up into mischievous yet playful...
views: 5915 AFR: 6.67

United Kingdom Taking Pictures Time: 01:53
During a day at the park, two photographers connect over their love of taking pictures.
views: 4808 AFR: 6.89

Emily and Elizabeth are two very special sisters. Cut off from the world, they have become piano virtuosos.
views: 10868 AFR: 8.83

Israel A way of Being Time: 05:45
A wool puppet and a wooden bench are the characters in a huge foggy world. The puppet wants to leave it but find it harder then expected.
views: 5504 AFR: 7.44

Latvia Inaudible Time: 07:18
A musician becomes deaf and struggles to adapt to a new life.
views: 5017 AFR: 8

United Kingdom Lost Property Time: 06:13
The film sees an elderly duo on a journey of discovery; Concealed in the collection of hidden rooms in the Lost Property office are remnants from their past. The film looks into the idea of memory loss and the aging process, exploring how memories shape who we are and how we move on in our life.
views: 5423 AFR: 8.33

Canada Overcast Time: 04:09
Two kids get caught in a storm as two clouds battle in the sky for their attention.
views: 5475 AFR: 8.46

United Kingdom Ray’s Big Idea Time: 03:24
A plucky, pioneering pre-historic fish, has a ground-breaking plan to improve his life.
views: 7459 AFR: 9.12

United States Soar Time: 06:13
Our story begins with a young girl called Mara. A bright and optimistic thirteen-year-old, Mara dreams of one day becoming an airplane designer. But every day, she test flies her model airplanes in the fields behind her house, and every day, they crash. One day, after yet another unsuccessful flying attempt, Mara sits gloomily at a picnic table, trying to come up with new ideas. Suddenly,...
views: 8846 AFR: 8.44

Russia Sputnik Time: 04:56
“Sputnik” is a Maxim Zhestkov short film about the evolution of an extraterrestrial mind, and its journey to the light. The project was created with the help of industry leading artists from all over the world, including: United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Russia. Production of the full CG animated short film took a year and a half. All crew members worked on the project...
views: 8463 AFR: 8.76

Russia Attractive Force Time: 08:00
Sci-fi film about an unscheduled landing on an unknown planet with friendly natives, and about the cave that holds the sparkling and hazardous stones.
views: 7548 AFR: 8.83

France Déclic (Switch) Time: 01:41
This is a short story about an urgent matter, which remained forgotten at home.
views: 4870 AFR: 7

Canada Heavy Crown Time: 03:15
Have you ever imagined how it would be live life like a king? This is story of an unfortunate man who gets that chance.
views: 5991 AFR: 8.42

Belgium Say Cheese! Time: 06:04
An ancient Chinese temple is now nothing more than a tourist-trap. Group after group of bored thrill-seekers wander its halls oblivious to its purpose. Even the monks have almost forgotten just what they are meant to guard. That is, until an inquisitive young girl with a camera accidentally unleashes something primordial. Now only the ancient monk sweeping the floors can protect her from danger.
views: 5790 AFR: 7.86

The film tells the touching story of a disabled dog looking for his identity.
views: 4565 AFR: 8.43

Santa is coming to town...
views: 5868 AFR: 7.42

United States The Harvest Time: 02:31
On Christmas Eve, a little girl is woken up by a noise. Thinking it’s Saint Nicholas leaving her presents, she walks through the darkness of the living room, only to find that something has taken over her house. Now, she must try to escape before this evil presence gets her. Happy Holidays! And beware of monsters!
views: 4903 AFR: 4.71

France Mezcaliente Time: 05:12
In the middle of the Mexican desert, two desperados fall to the charms of a young barmaid, and use their skills in order to seduce her.
views: 13808 AFR: 8.03

Canada Orbit Time: 03:20
A man must travel across the universe and paint planets to pay for his son's medication.
views: 5485 AFR: 6.8

Canada Hide ‘n Seek Time: 03:09
If Darkness joins the game of hide and seek, only Light can defeat him.
views: 5266 AFR: 7.29

United States Cloudy Time: 01:39
Back then when the Fish used to live in the clouds!
views: 5160 AFR: 6

United Kingdom One More Page Time: 08:44
The film follow Holly through her imagination as she reads her book of extraordinary adventures late at night.
views: 6956 AFR: 8.43

This story of puppets living in a totalitarian world. They are destined to enact the same routine, controlled by their masters. But today is the day that frees them from the mechanical quotidian, and releases them into a beautiful waltz of freedom.
views: 8147 AFR: 7.67

France Pet Peeve Time: 01:55
Standing still has never been an easy thing, but when a fly decides to bother a guardsman it becomes a monarchic nightmare...
views: 4806 AFR: 7

In the middle of a desert, soldiers are protecting a marvelous pearl, but a huge creature is going to steal it.
views: 13871 AFR: 9.06

France KnightClub Time: 02:01
A knight and his war horse are running thought the darkness of the night... They are running toward a gigantic and hollowful castle... what await them there will change their destiny forever...
views: 5506 AFR: 7.75

Australia Truckin' Time: 01:37
If on a deserted road truck driver is distracted by a mirror, the trouble is not long to wait.
views: 5762 AFR: 6.2

Canada Ed Time: 03:50
18+ A tribute to all life drawing models, and to the passion of the craft; exploring form, figure, life and all that lies within. Dedicated to Edward Czuchnicki and all mogels, past and present.
views: 6853 AFR: 7.82

Israel Tom Time: 08:39
Sci-Fi film about an astronaut who is about to return home after a long space voyage.
views: 4929 AFR: 6.25

Ireland Spirit (Geist) Time: 10:53
A shipwrecked fisherman is led to a dark secret within this short thriller.
views: 8522 AFR: 8.86

United Kingdom Edmond Time: 09:22
18+ Edmond's impulse to love and be close to others is strong... Maybe too strong. As he stands alone by a lake contemplating his options, he goes on a journey backwards through his life, and revisits all his defining moments in search for the origin of his desires. AWARDS 2015: Annecy Film Festival: Best Graduation Film (Jury Award) 2015: Sitges Film Festival: Official Selection (Animation...
views: 8617 AFR: 7.42

Italy Ossa Time: 03:55
"All the world is a stage". In this theater the dance of a puppet, destructured in time and space, shows us the mechanisms that pulls the strings.
views: 6208 AFR: 7.91

France Selfie Cat Time: 03:20
In 2015, selfies claimed more victims than sharks.
views: 8917 AFR: 8.61

France Apocalyptos Time: 05:35
A battle between young gods can have colossal consequences.
views: 5376 AFR: 7.5

United States On The Same Page Time: 03:49
An introverted writer in a newspaper world has nothing to write about until he is whirled away into a colorful journey with his neighbor from the comic section.
views: 5726 AFR: 8.31

France Rose Bleue Time: 06:18
This is the story of a man trying to save his wife by chasing blue roses in an apocalyptic world.
views: 9064 AFR: 8.13

A small bee, allergic to pollen, discovers an extraordinary product that will dramatically impact the life of the hive...
views: 9526 AFR: 9.33

France Histoire 2 Couples Time: 03:58
The film about a young and hyper man who falls in love with a girl addicted to her phone.
views: 9514 AFR: 8.15

France Clocky Time: 07:19
A brand new alarm clock is eager to ring for the first time. Will he manage to ring in time?
views: 7640 AFR: 8.88

Spain Alike Time: 08:00
In a busy life,Copi is a father who tries to teach the right way to his son,Paste. But... What is the correct path?
views: 7402 AFR: 9

France 14 Time: 07:04
This funny story could well have happened during the Tour de France rally in July 1914. AWARDS: * Best Directing at Animawow (Chine) * Prix de la fondation de l’université d’avignon dans le cadre du 1% numerique (France) * Prix SACD 2015 du Rififi dans les écoles d'animation, festival courts devant (France) * Bronze Award at ASIFA (Chine)
views: 5639 AFR: 8.25

United States Filthy but Fine Time: 05:04
Crazy nightly adventures of the pizza delivery guy in the rhythms of music of Dance With The Dead.
views: 6046 AFR: 9.25

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