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Denmark Project: Alpha Time: 06:38
views: 7373 AFR: 7.39

This is the story of a small community in the U.S. prairies. As long as anyone can remember, the coming of The Undertaker has meant the coming of death. Until one day the grim promise fails and tension builds as the God fearing townsfolk of Backwater wait for someone to die.
views: 16847 AFR: 8.8

A Christmas saga set in Copenhagen 1932 during the depression. The story is about a little pig imprisoned by a family who is fattening him up for Christmas but one day the door to his prison opens and he has the chance to escape. The film uses songs instead of dialog and explore the world trough one continues camera move for 7 minutes. It is a daring experiment how to tell a story in a dreamlike...
views: 7639 AFR: 8.4

Denmark Under The Fold Time: 07:34
At the beginning of the Great Depression Frank loses the stability in his and his son’s life, when he is thrown on the street. Homeless, and with his son Andrew in tow, he struggles to find a job in streets crowded with unemployed workers. Yet, Andrew naïve and innocent only enjoys tagging along, until his dad’s frustration fouls his playfulness. But as Frank discovers his...
views: 11761 AFR: 8.39

Denmark Mighty Antlers Time: 04:39
A man is driving at speed on a road through dense woodland when he spots a deer frozen in the middle of the road up ahead. He accelerates towards it but at the moment of impact everything becomes a confusing blur.
views: 9858 AFR: 8.2

Denmark E.T.A. Time: 04:24
Here's a really fun sci-fi film. It centers on a character named Marvin who "has the most boring job in the universe — but all is not as it seems..." The short was inspired by the 'Alien' franchise. As you'll see the character is wearing a Weyland Industries shirt, there's also a few other Easter eggs in the short to look out for.
views: 10197 AFR: 8.6

Denmark Load Time: 05:36
A man covered in responsibilities and burdened by the weight of his work is swept away on a journey that changes his perception of life.
views: 9375 AFR: 8.81

Denmark Rob 'n Ron Time: 03:42
In a miniature spaghetti western two brothers discover that life is what happens to you, just as you're busy doing other things.
views: 6081 AFR: 8.54

Denmark The Reward Time: 09:00
The story of two rivals for the possession of a mysterious map, became friends in a joint campaign in search of treasure. See the prequel "The Reward: Tales of Alethrion".
views: 18515 AFR: 9.23

During a heart transplant operation, as he struggles between life and death, Amos Klein returns to significant landmarks over the course of his life. These correspond with key moments in Israeli history. His journey is a reflection of moral corruption, of militarism and indoctrination. The film is an allegory to the loss of innocence and compassion; it carries a powerful universal message...
views: 6378 AFR: 7.6

Denmark Last Fall Time: 05:58
When an accidental plane crash causes a devoted father to lose his little daughter, he follows her into death and discovers a mechanical Afterlife. This uncompromising, robot-controlled system presents him with both danger and hope.
views: 7253 AFR: 9.03

Denmark Elk Hair Caddis Time: 04:27
A father escapes his stressful life with his many tadpoles to his favourite hideout by the river. His peace and quiet is suddenly disturbed by his neighbour's attempt to catch the fish of his dreams.
views: 7554 AFR: 8.68

Denmark Pig Me Time: 07:15
The story about a pig that escapes from a slaughter house. He finds his way to a pet shop and discovers the nice and warmth atmosphere between the costumers and the animals getting bought. He also wants to get bought, but he realizes that nobody wants to buy a pig. The only solution he can find to that problem is to dress up as the other animals in the pet shop.
views: 8644 AFR: 8.87

Denmark Ride Of Passage Time: 05:00
Toki's tribe expects him to bring home the head of the biggest animal possible. In return, he will receive honor and respect. However, this rite of passage does not turn out as planned. With the help of a colorful new friend, he achieves something much bigger.
views: 11859 AFR: 8.88

Denmark Leitmotif Time: 07:06
Leitmotif is the story of the last lonely member of a jazz band, only living through his music and the daily visits of a white cat. One day the nostalgia takes over — and he has a crazy idea.
views: 7474 AFR: 7.59

Denmark Wing Time: 04:53
A solitary, one winged creature called Wing is harassed by a group of oppressive crows due to being weak and different from them. He decides that he wants to overcome his disability and escape from the forest. He builds a catapult and a mechanical wing to accomplish this. When he launches himself away from the forest, the wing malfunctions, and he crashes into the territory of the crows. The...
views: 7311 AFR: 8.77

Denmark The Guest Time: 07:16
In a society where we take care of each other with bullets, the old widow Elsa is trapped in old habits. When her lonely dinner gets brutally interrupted, Elsa makes a decision that changes more than her own life, understanding that Paradise is lost without others.
views: 7151 AFR: 8.58

Denmark Parrot Away Time: 05:57
The ugly parrot Pierre gets lucky when a fashionable pirate is being just a little too fashionably late...
views: 7426 AFR: 7.54

Denmark Vagabond Time: 07:25
Dio is a homeless man who lives with his dog, Loppe, in a giant train city.While Dio is a slow and calm person, all the average citizens are living their lives in a constant rush. One morning Loppe is taken by the trash collector, forcing Dio to start a chase throughout different parts of the place. As he struggles to save his only friend, Dio ends up defying the very nature of the city and its...
views: 10544 AFR: 9.23

Denmark Vegeterrible Time: 03:03
A swinging Mexican fiesta goes bad when a very ravenous rotten avocado crashes the party and starts devouring the guests... This is an action film about the last tomato's fight for survival.
views: 6159 AFR: 7.38

18+ How will the naive freshly carved prince and his co-actors withstand their audience's insatiable appetite for entertainment?
views: 10654 AFR: 7.33

Denmark The Wanderer Time: 05:47
The Wanderer goes through an entire life during the course of the day and dies when the day ends. In the end he comes to term with the conditions of his life.
views: 9764 AFR: 6.15

Denmark The Catxorcist Time: 00:50
The priest is called to perform an exorcism on the demoniacal cat.
views: 5964 AFR: 5.86

Denmark France Goutte d'Or Time: 10:55
As a pirate enters the Kingdom of the Dead he encounters its beautiful Queen. She captures his heart, but hers is not so easily won.
views: 10324 AFR: 9.15

The Tales of Alethrion proloque "The First Hero" is about Alethrion, whom the land is named after, and a lovely backpacker girl called Amerath. They are the original creators of the map which we see later in The Reward, carried by Vito and Wilhelm.
views: 37167 AFR: 9.23

Denmark Tsunami Time: 07:14
Haru returns home in denial after a tsunami, where he must learn to deal with his loss through an encounter with a magical sea Spirit.
views: 6893 AFR: 8.8

Denmark Borislav Time: 06:42
A fisherman’s daughter has to accept her father’s disease, when she arrives at her childhood home and finds her father vulnerable and fragile.
views: 6291 AFR: 8.85

Denmark Vaesen Time: 06:11
A prince sets off on a journey to save his dying father, driven by his fear of failing him.
views: 6951 AFR: 7

Denmark Untamed Time: 07:38
Sally, an introverted 15 year old girl, lives and bears with her wolf-father in the city of New York where Wolf is slipping more and more into his world of wilderness.  Sally still remembers the man he used to be; a brilliant and talented jazz trumpeter. Where did her father go? And can he still be found somewhere within the Wolf?
views: 10035 AFR: 8.68

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