'Jo Jo in the Stars' is a 12 minute story of love, self-sacrifice, and jealousy played out against a black and white world that is both nightmarish and hauntingly beautiful.
- BAFTA 2004 Winner, Best Short Animated Film
- Cartoon D'or 2005 Winner of Cartoon D'Or 2005
- Clermont Ferrand 2004 2004 Best Short Animated film
- Sicaf 2004 2004 Short Film Grand Prize
views: 13848 AFR: 8.82
The peace and quiet of this inflatable pirate on an inflatable ship is threatened by two mice and mechanical bird.
views: 6826 AFR: 6.8
In a time when dragons threatened mankind, there was only one man who fought against them all. His name is Tarragon and riding on his brave battle horse Black Bull he is on his way to work. But things don't always turn out as they should… and one day...
views: 11484 AFR: 6.82
A peaceful fishing trip on a remote desert planet turns out to not to be so peaceful after all.
views: 8691 AFR: 9.14