A man in a canary outfit sits at the edge of a cliff behind a small desk. He watches as other people in animal outfits come up to the edge of the cliff and throw themselves off - making a tally in his book of what animal it was and treating himself to a jelly bean corresponding to the animal suit that just jumped.
views: 8262 AFR: 8
An American pilot in the war falls asleep in his plane during the fall. His romantic dream mixes up with reality.
views: 8787 AFR: 8.97
Yeti is an middle-aged furry big foot who's at his turning point of life.
Yeti decided to make a change though.
* 15th TBS DigiCon6 Award Silver (Hong Kong region)
TBS, Japan (Tokyo Broadcasting System Television)
16 November 2013
views: 5760 AFR: 7.5
A mystical thriller for the immediate terrible retribution for the brazen theft on the empty night street.
views: 5536 AFR: 7.14